Plan Your Retirement

Calculate to make your retirement planning easy

Current Age
What is your present age?
30 years70 years
Planned Retirement Age
When do you wish to retire?
50 years70 years
Monthly Expenditure
Monthly expense to maintain your current lifestyle
20K5 Lac
Expected Inflation
Your expectation on inflation
0 %20 %
Expected Returns On Investment
Your expectation of returns on this planned investment
5 %20 %
Expected Returns on Retirement Corpus
Your expectation of returns on the retirement corpus
5 %20 %
Life Expectancy
Years you will live
70 years100 years

Retirement Corpus


Required amount (inflation adjusted)

What is a Retirement Plan?

Retirement planning is a mix of savings, investments, and withdrawal strategy to ensure you are financially secure after you stop working. It's all about knowing your financial goals, understanding how much risk you are ready to take, and then acting in line with those goals.

Why Should You Have a Retirement Plan?

  • Ensures financial stability

  • Sustains living standards

  • Covers healthcare expenses

  • Reduces financial anxiety

  • Maximizes compounding benefits

What are Different Investment Plans for Retirement?

  • Pension Plans

  • National Pension Scheme (NPS)

  • Mutual Funds

  • Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans

  • Real estate retirement plan

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What is a Retirement Plan Calculator?

Using a Retirement Plan Calculator helps you determine your required retirement savings depending on:

  • Planned retirement age

  • Monthly expenditure

  • Expected inflation

  • Expected Returns On Investment

  • Expected Returns on Retirement Corpus

  • Life Expectancy

Who Can Use the Retirement Plan Calculator?

Anyone planning for retirement can use a retirement plan calculator. This includes:

  • Young professionals looking to start saving early for retirement.

  • Mid-career individuals wanting to evaluate how much they need to save for their retirement years.

  • Pre-retirees trying to ensure they have enough saved up before they retire.

What are the Benefits of Using Equirus Wealth's Retirement Calculator?

  • Determines savings goal

  • Assesses financial status

  • Estimates retirement income

  • Simulates retirement scenarios

  • Minimizes financial pitfalls

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