Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

What Are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measurable values that help organizations track their success in reaching specific goals. They are essential for monitoring progress, making informed decisions, and improving operations.

Characteristics of Effective KPIs

Specific: Focus on clear, well-defined outcomes.

Measurable: Can be tracked using clear, objective data.

Achievable: Set realistic targets that can be reached in a given time.

Relevant: Align with the company’s strategic goals.

Time-bound: Measured within a specific time period.

Types of KPIs

Strategic KPIs: High-level measures of overall performance, like profit margins or return on investment.

Operational KPIs: Day-to-day metrics, such as how quickly invoices are paid or current inventory levels.

Leading KPIs: Predict future performance, like customer engagement or marketing success.

Lagging KPIs: Show past performance, like total sales or net profit.

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