Knock Out Option

What Is a Knock Out Option?

A knock-out option is a type of option that loses all value if the price of the underlying asset reaches a specific level, known as the "barrier." It falls under the category of "barrier options," where the option’s worth is tied to whether the asset’s price crosses a predetermined threshold.

Types of Knock Out Option

  • Up-and-Out Options: These are knocked out if the price goes above a certain level.

  • Down-and-Out Options: These are knocked out if the price falls below a certain level.


  • Lower Premiums: Knock-out options tend to be cheaper than regular options because they have a limited profit potential.

  • Risk Management: They can be used to manage risk, especially if you want to control exposure to price changes.


  • Limited Profit Potential: While they help limit losses, knock-out options also cap how much you can make, so they aren’t great for highly volatile markets where large price swings could lead to big profits.

  • Vulnerability in Volatile Markets: If the market is volatile, the risk of the price crossing the barrier and knocking out the option is higher, making it worthless.

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