Sentiment indicators are tools that assess the general mood or emotional outlook of investors regarding a particular asset or the overall market. They help identify whether the market is feeling mostly optimistic (bullish) or pessimistic (bearish), offering clues about potential price changes.
Market Psychology: These indicators reflect how investors feel about the market’s current and future conditions.
Contrarian Signals: Extreme sentiment levels can indicate potential reversals. For example, too much optimism could suggest a market peak, while excessive pessimism might point to a bottom.
Trend Confirmation: When sentiment moves in the same direction as the price trend, it can confirm that the trend is strong.
Better Risk Management: These indicators help spot overbought or oversold conditions, helping traders make more informed decisions about when to enter or exit positions.
Provide Extra Context: Sentiment indicators add valuable insights on top of technical and fundamental analysis, giving traders a fuller picture of market conditions.